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Generally Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares and Generating Nonlinear Programming Test Problems: Algorithmic Approach, Ph.D. Dissertation (Advisor: Richard H. Bartels), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, October 1981. |
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Rosenbrock's Method for Unconstrained Nonlinear Minimization and its Modification for General Goal Programming (Design and Implementation), Master's Paper (Advisor: Webb Miller), Computer Science Department, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, August 1976 |
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Dr. Soodabeh Asadi, Wide neighbourhood interior-point algorithms for linear complementarity problems, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, 2018-2019. |
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Dr. Marzieh Sayadi Shahraki, Wide neighbourhood interior-point algorithms for optimization, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, 2023-2024. |
Theses Supervised
28. Sparse representation and dictionary learning based methods for skin lesion segmentation and classification, Ph.D. Dissertation by Nooshin Moradi Davijani (in Persian), 115 pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences–Computer Science, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 2021. 27. Balancing the stations inventory of public bicycle sharing systems using inventory critical levels in queuing network, (Joint Advisor: Iraj Mahdavi), Ph.D. Dissertation by Behzad Maleki Vishkaei (in Persian), 98 pages, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran, January 2020. 26. Optimization on manifolds with applications to graph invariants, (Joint Advisor: Amir Daneshgar), Ph.D. Dissertation by Mohammad Mahdi Karkhaneei (in Persian), 72 pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 2019. 25. Nonsmooth optimization with second order descent directions, Ph.D. Dissertation by Mehdi Shaeiri (in Persian), 90 pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, March 2019. 24. Second order cone optimization, (Joint Advisor: Mansour Saraj), Ph.D. Dissertation by Ali Sadeghi (in Persian), 76 pages, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran, March 2019. 23. Algorithms for solving fuzzy linear and quadratic problems directly and duality results for bipolar fuzzy optimization problems, Ph.D. Dissertation by Khatere Ghorbani-Moghadam (in Persian), 102 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, February 2019. 22. Supply chain network design by multi-level programming under uncertainty, (Joint Advisor: Iraj Mahdavi), Ph.D. Dissertation by Raheleh Nourifar (in Persian), 182 Pages, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran, September 2018. 21. Some duality results in multiple objective linear and nonlinear programming and a nonmonotone quasi-Newton algorithm for unconstrained multiple objective optimization, Ph.D. Dissertation by Farnaz Salehi Sadaghiani (in Persian), 79 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, October 2017. 20. New EIV models for solving positive definite and positive semidefinite linear systems with application to computing positive definite solutions of nonlinear matrix equations, Ph.D. Dissertation by Negin Bagherpour (in Persian), 91 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 2015. 19. Interval type-2 fuzzy sets with application to decision making, (Joint Advisor: Iraj Mahdavi), Ph.D. Dissertation by Armaghan Heidarzade (in Persian), 130 Pages, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran, fall 2015. 18. Mathematical programming model for location-allocation-routing problem in transportation network with population-dependent deterministic or probabilistic travel times, (Joint Advisor: Iraj Mahdavi), Ph.D. Dissertation by Saber Shiripour (in Persian), 213 Pages, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazan- daran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran, summer 2015. 17. A multi-objective optimization model for web-based convergent product networks using the Steiner tree, (Joint Advisor: Iraj Mahdavi), Ph.D. Dissertation by Reza Hassanzadeh (in Persian), 157 Pages, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran, summer 2014. 16. Evaluating reliability of a stochastic-flow network in terms of all up- per and lower boundary points, Ph.D. Dissertation by Majid Forghan-elahabad (in Persian), 106 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, April 2014. 15. Superlinear exact penalty algorithms with structured projected hessian updates in broyden’s family for constrained nonlinear least squares, Ph.D. Dissertation by Narges Bidabadi, 87 Pages (in Persian), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, June 2012. 14. Superlinearly convergent exact penalty projected structured schemes for constrained nonlinear least squares, ph.d. dissertation by Mohammed Reza Ansari (in Persian), 112 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif Univer- sity of Technology, Tehran, Iran, April 2012. 13. Extended rank reduction formula and its application to real and integer matrix factorizations, Ph.D. Dissertation by E. Golpar-Raboky (in Persian), 130 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, October 2011. 12. Design and analysis of filter trust-region algorithms for unconstrained and bound constrained optimization, Ph.D. Dissertation by M. Fatemi (in Persian), 94 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 2011. 11. Shortest path problem in networks with mixed fuzzy arcs, (Joint Advisor: Iraj Mahdavi) Ph.D. Dissertation by Ali Tajdin (in Persian), 119 Pages, Department of Industrial Engineering, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran, Spring 2010. 10. New conjugate gradient methods for unconstrained optimization, Ph.D. Dissertation by S. Babaie-Kafaki (in Persian), 101 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Summer 2010. 9. Modeling and effective algorithms for fuzzy linear systems of equations and a class of fuzzy location problems, Ph.D. Dissertation by R. Ghanbari (in Persian), 93 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Tech- nology, Tehran, Iran, January 2010. 8. Practical ABS approaches for linear diophantine systems and sparse null space basis, Ph.D. Dissertation by S.M. Khorramizadeh (in Persian), 88 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, January 2010. 7. Minimization of nonconvex locally lipschitz functions using mollifier sub- differentials and uniform approximations of generalized second order derivatives, Ph.D. Dissertation by R. Yousefpour (in Persian), 80 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, July 2009. 6. Duality on fuzzy linear programming problems by use of ranking functions, Ph.D. Dissertation by S.H. Nasseri (in Persian), 105 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, November 2007. 5. Two new proximity functions for feasible interior point methods and a show of an ill-behaved central path, Ph.D. Dissertation by M.R. Peyghami (in Persian), 116 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Tech- nology, Tehran, Iran, September 2005. 4. An efficient algorithm for solving real or diophantine linear systems after a rank one perturbation and two efficient algorithms for solving linear systems by use of rank two updates, Ph.D. Dissertation by K. Amini, (in Persian), 112 pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, June 2004. 3. Solving Diophantine systems, real and integer inequalities, linear and integer programs on cones based on ABS class of algorithms, Ph.D. Dissertation by H. Esmaeili, (in Persian), 87 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, October 2000. 2. A proof for broyden’s algorithms belonging to abs class of algorithms and presentation of effective new abs-type methods for solving linear systems, Ph.D. Dissertation by M. Adib (in Persian), 101 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 2000. 1. Multiresolution in computer graphics, Ph.D. Dissertation by F.F. Samavati (in Persian), 150 Pages, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, April 1999. (Selected as the Best Ph.D. Thesis in Basic Sciences in Iran by The First Kharazmi International Competitions, November 1999.) |
233. S. Shiripour, M. Hematian, and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A Robust Optimization Model for Dynamic Virtual Hub Location Problem under Uncertainty Using an M/M/C/K Queuing Model: Two Metaheuristic Algorithms, Operational Research 23 (2023) 40, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-023-00765-x. 232. V. Razmjoei, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. M. Paydar, A Multiobjective 230. E. Moni and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Time-varying dual accelerated gradient ascent: a fast network optimization algorithm, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 165 (2022) 130-141. 229. S. Khanchehzarrin, M. Ghaebi Panah, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and S. Shiripour, A bilevel multi-objective location-routing optimization model for disaster relief operations considering public donations, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 80(C) (2022), 101165; DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2021.101165. 228. S. Asadi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Zs. Darvay and P. R. Rigo, Full Nesterov-Todd step feasible interior-point algorithm for symmetric cone horizontal linear complementarity problem based on a positive-asymptotic barrier function, Optimization Methods and Software 37(1) (2022) 192-213. https://doi.org/10.1080/10556788.2020.1734803 227. N. Moradi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Multi-class segmentation of skin lesions via joint dictionary learning, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 68 (2021), 102787; doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2021.102787. 226. H. Ahmadzadeh and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A competitive inexact nonmonotonelter SQP method: convergence analysis and numerical results, Optimization Methods and Software 37(4) (2022) 1310-1343. DOI: 10.1080/10556788.2021.1913155. 225. S. Khanchehzarrin, M. Shahmizad, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and P. Ghasemi, A model for the time dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows under trafc conditions with intelligent travel times, RAIRO - Operations Research 55(4) (2021) 2203-2222. 224. E. Golpar Raboky and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A generalization of the ABS algorithms and its application to some special real and integer matrix factorizations, Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization 12(2) (2022) 301-314. DOI:10.22067/ijnao.2021.70974.1043. 223. S. Shiripour and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Median location problem with two probabilistic line barriers: extending the Hooke and Jeeves algorithm, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 18(5) (2022) 3613-3639 DOI:10.3934/jimo.2021128. 222. H. Ahmadzadeh and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A new inexact nonmonotonelter sequential quadratic programming algorithm, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 354, Springer, Cham, 2021, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-72040-7-1. 221. Z. Ordolalo, E. Golpar Raboky and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Tensor rank and best low rank approximation problem, (in Persian), Farhang-va-Andishehe Riazi (Mathematical Thought and Culture) 40(69) (2021) (1400 Shamsi) 61-78. 220. B. Kheirfam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A full-modi_ed-Newton step infeasible interior-point method for monotone linear complementarity problem, (in Persian), Mathematical Researches 7(4) (2021) (1400 Shamsi) 749-763. 219. N. Gholamian, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Hybridization of an interactive fuzzy methodology with a lexicographic min-max approach for optimizing a multi-period multi-product multi-echelon sustainable closed-loop supply chain network, Computers & Industrial Engineering 158 (2021), 107282. 218. R. Ghanbari, Kh. Ghorbani-Moghadam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A time variant multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving fuzzy number linear programming problems using modi_ed Kerre's method, OPSEARCH 58(2) (2021) 403-424. 217. M. Saraj, A. Sadeghi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Full-Newton step interior point method for fractional programming problem involving second order cone constraint, Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operations Research (PJSOR) 17(2) (2021) 427-433. 216. M. Forghani-elahabad and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An algorithm to search for all minimal cuts in a ow network, Adv Syst Sci Appl 20(4) (2021) 1-10. 215. J. Dehghanpour Sahron and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A competitive optimization approach for data clustering and orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization, 4OR-Q J Oper Res 19 (2021) 473-499. 214. S. Shiripour and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Disaster relief on destructive transportation networks using a circle-based approach, Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research 13(8) (2021) 568-590. 213. M. Hematian, M. M. Seyyed Esfahani, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and J. Rezaeian, A multi-objective optimization model for multiple project scheduling and multi-skill human resource assignment problem based on learning and forgetting effect and activities' quality level, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Studies (JIEMS) 7(2) (2020) 98-118. 212. B. Maleki Vishkaei, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and E. Khorram, A public bicycle sharing system considering renting and middle stations, Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering 13(2) (2020) 141-147. 211. M. Pakseresht, B. Shirazi, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Toward sustainable optimization with Stackelberg game between green product family and downstream supply chain, Sustainable Production and Consumption 23 (2020) 198-211. 210. S. Asadi, Z. Darvay, G. Lesaja, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and F. Potra, A full-Newton step interior-point method for monotone weighted linear complementarity problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 186(3) (2020) 864-878. 209. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and F. Salehi Sadaghiani, A superlinearly convergent nonmonotone quasi-Newton method for unconstrained multiobjective optimization, Optimization Methods and Software 35(6) (2020) 1223-1247. 208. B. Maleki Vishkaei, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi Amiri and E. Khorram, Balancing public bicycle sharing system by de_ning response rates for destinations, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Studies 7(1) (2020) 19-34. 207. M. Pakseresht, I. Mahdavi, B. Shirazi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Co-reconfiguration of product family and supply chain using leader-follower Stackelberg game theory: Bi-level multi-objective optimization, Applied Soft Computing Journal 91 (2020) 106203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106203 206. M. Hematian, M. M. Seyyed Esfahani, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, J. Reza- eian, A multi-objective integrated multi-project scheduling and multi-skilled workforce assignment model considering learning effect under uncertainty, Computational IInelligence 36(1) (2020) 276-296. 205. B. Maleki Vishkaei, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi Amiri and E. Khorram, Balancing public bicycle sharing system using inventory critical levels in queuing network, Computers and Industrial Engineering 141 (2020) 106277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2020.106277 204. S. Shiripour and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An effective approach for aid planning on multi-type transportation networks after a disaster, Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering 34(3) (2020) 342-364. 203. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. Shaeiri, A conjugate gradient sampling method for nonsmooth optimization, 4OR-Q J Oper Res 18(1) (2020) 73-90. 202. N. Moradi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Kernel sparse representation based model for skin lesions segmentation and classification, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, to appear. 201. M. Forghani-elahabad, N. Kagan and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An MP-based approximation algorithm on reliability evaluation of multistate flow networks, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, to appear. 200. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. Shaeiri, A conjugate gradient sampling method for nonsmooth optimization, 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Resaerch, to appear. 199. E. Golpar-Raboky and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Rank reduction processes for solving linear Diophantine systems and integer factorizations: a review, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, to appear. 198. A. Sadeghi, M. Saraj and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Solving A Fractional Program with Second Order Cone Constraint, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, to appear. 197. M. M. Karkhaneei and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Nonconvex Weak Sharp Minima on Riemannian Manifolds, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, to appear. 196. R. Ghanbari, Kh. Ghorbani-Moghadam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems: Models and Solutions, Soft Computing, to appear. 195. S. Asadi, H. Mansour, Z. Darvay, M. Zangiabadi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, LargeNeighborhood Infeasible PredictorCorrector Algorithm for Horizontal Linear Complementarity Problems over Cartesian Product of Symmetric Cones, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 180 (2019) 811-829. 194. Z. Ordolalo, E. Golpar Raboky and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Tensor rank and best low rank approximation problem, (in Persian), Farhang-va-Andishehe Riazi (Mathematical Thought and Culture), to appear. 193. A. Sadeghi, M. Saraj and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Efficient solutions of interval programming problems with inexact parameters and second order cone constraints, Mathematics 6(11) (2018) 1-13; doi:10.3390/math6110270. 192. R. Ghanbari, Kh. Ghorbani-Moghadam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A variables neighborhood search algorithm for solving fuzzy quadratic programming problems using modified Kerre’s method, Soft Computing, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500- 019-03771-4. 191. R. Nourifar, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. M. Paydar, Mathematical modelling of a decentralized multi-echelon supply chain network considering service level under uncertainty, Scientia Iranica, to appear. 190. S. Shiripour and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Optimal Distribution of the Injured in a Multi-Type Transportation Network with Damage-Dependent Travel Times: Two Metaheuristic Approaches, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, doi.org/10.1016/j- seps-2018-10-011. 189. M. Torkinejad, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. Seyed Esfahani, Topology Design and Component Selection in an Urban Gas Network: Simultaneous Optimiza- tion Approach, Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)PS.1949-1204.0000359. 188. S. Asadi, H. Mansouri, Z. Darvay, M. Zangiabadi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Largeneighborhood infeasible predictor-corrector algorithm for horizontal linear complementarity problems over Cartesian product of symmetric cones, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 180(3) (2019) 811-829. 187. R. Dehghani and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Scaled nonlinear conjugate gradient methods for nonlinear least squares problems, Numerical Algorithms, doi.org/10.1007/s11075- 018-0591-2. 186. R. Ghanbari, Kh. Ghorbani-Moghadam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A variable neigh- borhood search algorithm for solving fuzzy number linear programming problems using modified Kerre’s method, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27(6) (2019) 1286-1294. 185. M. Moshtagh, J. Fathali, J. MacGregor Smith and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Finding an optimal core on a tree network with M/G/c/c state-dependent queues, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 89(1) (2019) 115-142. 184. S. Shiripour and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Bi-objective location problem with balanced allocation of customers and Bernoulli demands: two solution approaches, Soft Computing 23(13) (2019) 4999-5018. 183. M. Forghani-elahabad, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and N. Kagan, On multi-state two separate minimal paths reliability problem with time and budget constraints, International Journal of Operational Research, to appear. 182. R. Ghanbari, Kh. Ghorbani-Moghadam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A direct method to compare bipolar LR fuzzy numbers, Advances in Fuzzy Systems, to appear, doi:10.1155/2018/9578270. 181. M. Divsalar, R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Capacity of Mixed Urban Road Networks, Network Configuration and Signal Settings, Chapter in book: Intelligent Transportation and Planning: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, IGI Global, pp. 883-906, 2018. 180. N. Bagherpour and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A competitive error in variables ap- proach and algorithms for finding positive definite solution of linear systems of matrix equations, paper in book: Numerical Analysis and Optimization, M. Alaali, L. Grandinetti and A. Purnama (editors), Springer, pp. 45-66, 2018. 179. R. Nourifar, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. M. Paydar, Optimizing decentralized productiondistribution planning problem in a multi-period supply chain network under uncertainty, Journal of Industrial Engineering International 14(2) (2018) 367-382. 178. P. Abbasian, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and H. Fazlollahtabar, Multiple utility constrained multi-objective programs using Bayesian theory, Journal of Industrial Engineering International 18(1) (2018) 111-118. 177. M. Sayadi Shahraki, H. Mansouri, M. Zangiabadi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A wide neighborhood primal-dual predictor-corrector interior-point method for symmetric cone optimization, Numerical Algorithms 78(2) (2018) 535-552. 176. S. Rajaei, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and S. Shiripour, A mixed-integer nonlinear programming model for the rectilinear distance single facility location problem in the presence of two probabilistic line barriers, Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, to appear, 13 pages. 175. R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and A. Tajdin, An alpha-cut approach for fuzzy product and its use in computing solutions of fully fuzzy linear systems, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 12(2) (2018) 167-189. 174. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and H. Fazlollahtabar, Special Issue for 13th International Industrial Engineering Conference (IIEC 2017), Iranian Journal of Operations Research 8(1) (2017) 01-01. 173. N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Special Issue for 10th International Conference of Iranian Op- erations Research Society, Iranian Journal of Operations Research 8(2) (2017) 01-01. 172. M. Torkinejad, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. Seyed Esfahani, A mathematical model for designing optimal urban gas networks, an ant colony algorithm and a case study, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research 28(4) (2017) 441-460. 171. S. Shiripour, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and I. Mahdavi, A nonlinear model for locationallocation-routing problem in transportation network with intelligent travel times, International Journal of Operational Research 29(3) (2017) 400-431. 170. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. Shaeiri, An adaptive competitive penalty method for nonsmooth constrained optimization, Numerical Algorithms 75(1) (2017) 305-336. 169. R. Bartels, A. Mahdavi-Amiri, F. Samavati and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Diagrammatic approach for constructing multiresolution of primal subdivisions, Computer Aided Geometric Design 51 (2017) 4-29. 168. S. Shiripour, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and I. Mahdavi, A transportation network model with intelligent probabilistic travel times and two hybrid algorithms, Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research 9(2) (2017) 90-122. 167. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and F. Salehi-Sadaghiani, Strictly feasible solutions and strict complementarity in multiple objective linear optimization, 4ORA Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 15(3) (2017) 303-326. 166. M. Divsalar, R. Hassanzadeh, I Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Reserve capacity of mixed urban road networks, network configuration and signal settings, International Journal of Applied Industrial Engineering (IJAIE) 4(1) (2017) 44-64. 165. I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, F. Naderi and M. M. Paydar, Cell formation configuration using interval type-2 fuzzy interactional interests among workers, International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR) 30(2) (2017) 172-192. 164. A. Heidarzade, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Using the interval type-2 fuzzy sets and clustering algorithm in supplier selection: a case study, (in Persian), International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management 27(3) (2016) 479-495. 163. S. Shiripour, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Modeling and algorithms for capacitated transportations networks with population-dependent travel times, Applied and Computational Mathematics 15(3) (2016) 265-296. 162. M. Shahmirzad, S. Khanchehzarrin, I. Mahdavi an N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A partial delivery bi-objective vehicle routing model with time windows and customer satisfac- tion function, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 7(4) (2016) 102-108. 161. D. The Luc, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, J.-E. Martinez-Legas and M. Soleimani-Damaneh, Operations research and optimization, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 42(7) (2016) 1-3. 160. S. Babaie-Kafaki, R. Ghanbari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Hybridizations of genetic algorithms and neighborhood search metaheuristics for fuzzy bus terminal location problems, Applied Soft Computing 46 (2016) 220-229. 159. H. Fazlollahtabar, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Meta modelling of job satisfaction effective factors for improvement policy making in organizations, Bench- marking: an International Journal 23(2) (2016) 388-405. 158. M. Nejati, I. Mahdavi, R. Hassanzadeh and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Lot streaming in a two-stage assembly hybrid flowshop scheduling problem with a work shift constraint, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 33(7) (2016) 459-471. 157. N. Bagherpour and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A new error in variables model for solving positive definite linear system using orthogonal matrix decompositions, Numerical Algorithms 72(1) (2016) 211-241. 156. S. Shiripour, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A nonlinear model for a ca- pacitated stochastic transportation network using multiple linear regression, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 11(4) (2016) 252-261. 155. S. Shiripour, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and I. Mahdavi, Optimal location-multi allocation- routing in capacitated transportation networks under population-dependent travel times, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 29(6) (2016) 652-676. 154. M. Forghani-elahabad and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A new algorithm for generating all minimal vectors for the qSMPs reliability problem with time and budget constraints, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 65(2) (2016) 828-842. 153. A. Heidarzade, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amir, Supplier selection using a clus- tering method based on a new distance for interval type-2 fuzzy sets: a case study, Applied Soft Computing 38 (2016) 213-231. 152. M. Forghani-elahabad and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An improved algorithm for find- ing all upper boundary points in a stochastic-flow network, Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (2016) 3221-3229. 151. B. Kheirfam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An improved infeasible interior-point method for symmetric cone linear complementarity problem, Bulletin of the Iranian Math- ematical Society 42(7) (2016) 55-66. 150. M. Alizadeh, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and S. Shiripour, Modeling and Solving a Capac- itated Stochastic Location-Allocation Problem Using Sub-Sources, Soft Computing 20(6) (2016) 2261-2280. 149. A. Heidarzade, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Multiple attribute group de- cision making method using a new similarity measure in interval type-2 fuzzy sets: A case study, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 9(2) (2016) 139-166. 148. H. Fazlollahtabar, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A heuristic algorithm to approximate dynamic program of a novel new product development process, Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences 28 (2016) 84-91. 147. R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Particle swarm optimization for a bi-objective web-based convergent product network, Journal of Industrial En- gineering and Management Studies 2(1) (2015) 41-60. 146. N. Gholamian, I. Mahdavi, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A comprehensive fuzzy multi-objective multi-product multi-site aggregate production planning decisions in a supply chain under uncertainty, Applied Soft Computing 37 (2015) 585-607. 145. M. Forghani-elahabad and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An efficient algorithm forthe multi- state two separate minimal paths reliability problem with budget constraint, Reliability Engineering and System Safety 142 (2015) 472-481. 144. P. Abbasian, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and H. Fazlollahtabar, Modeling and optimizing of a non-constrained multi-objective problem having multiple utility functions using the Bayesian theory, Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Tech- nologies 4(3) (2015) 332-342. 143. S. Shiripour, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and I. Mahdavi, A nonlinear model for a capacitated random transportation network, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 32(8) (2015) 500-515. 142. M. Alizadeh, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and S. Shiripour, A capacitated location-allocation problem with stochastic demands using sub-sources: An empirical study, Applied Soft Computing 34 (2015) 551-571. 141. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and E. Golpar-Raboky, Real and integer Wedderburn rank reduction formulas for matrix decompositions, Optimization Methods and Software 30(4) (2015) 864-879. 140. H. Fazlollahtabar, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and A. Muhammadzadeh, A genetic opti- mization algorithm for nonlinear stochastic programs in an automated manufacturing system, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 28 (2015) 1461-1475. 139. R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A heuristic zero/one pro- gramming for a bi-objective web-based convergent product networks, International Journal of Advanced Operations Management (IJAOM) 7(1) (2015) 63-84. 138. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and E. Golpar-Raboky, Real and integer extended rank re- duction formulas and matrix decompositions: A review, Springer book series 134 (2015) 237-252. 137. R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An epsilon-constraint multiobjective optimization model for web-based convergent product networks using the Steiner tree, Scientia Iranica 22(3) (2015) 1155-1170. 136. S. Shiripour, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and I. Mahdavi, A nonlinear model for location-allocation-routing problem in transportation network with intelligent travel times, International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR) 32(8) (2015) 1-27. 135. S. Shiripour, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and I. Mahdavi, Planning a capacitated road network with flexible travel times: A genetic algorithm, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research 14(4) (2015) 425-451. 134. A. Heidarzade, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Multiple attribute group decision making in interval type-2 fuzzy environment using a new distance formulation, International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR) 24(1) (2015) 17-37. 133. B. Kheirfam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An infeasible interior-point algorithm based on modified Nesterov and Todd directions for symmetric linear complementarity problem, Optimization 64(7) (2015) 1577-1591. 132. R. Ghanbari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Fuzzy LR linear systems: quadratic and least squares models to characterize exact solutions and an algorithm to compute approximate solutions, Soft Computing 19 (2015) 205-216. 131. M. R. Ansari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A robust combined trust region-line search exact penalty projected structured scheme for constrained nonlinear least squares, Op- timization Methods and Software 30(1) (2015) 162-190. 130. E. Golpar-Raboky and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A new interpretation of the integer and real WZ factorization using block scaled ABS algorithms, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing 2 (2014) 243-256. 129. R. Ezzati, S. Khezerloo, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and Z. Valizadeh, Approximate nonnegative symmetric solution of fully fuzzy systems using medium interval defuzzification, Fuzzy Information and Engineering 6 (2014) 331-358. 128. A. Heidarzade, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and I. Mahdavi, A new distance for Interval type-2 fuzzy sets with applications to clustering, International Journal of Compu- tational Intelligence and Applications 13(4) (2014) 1-15. 127. N. Mahdavi-Amiri, B. Mordukhovich and M. Soleimani-damaneh, Special Issue: International Conference on Operations Research and Optimization (ORO2011), International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 13(4) (2014) 1-2. 126. R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Ant colony optimization for multi-objective digital convergent product network, Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering 16 (2014) 1-19. 125. M. Forghani-elahabad and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A new efficient approach to search for all multi-state minimal cuts, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 63(1) (2014) 154-166. 124. N. Bidabadi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Superlinearly Convergent Exact Penalty Methods with Projected Structured Secant Updates for Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 162(1) (2014) 154- 190. 123. Y. Maali and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A triangular type-2 multi-objective linear programming model and a solution strategy, Information Sciences 279 (2014) 816-826. 122. M. Farhanchi, R. Hassenzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A modified ant colony system for finding the expected shortest path in networks with variable arc lengths and probabilistic nodes, Applied Soft Computing 21 (2014) 491-500. 121. M. Forghani-elahabad and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, On search for all d-MCs in a network flow, Iranian Journal of Operations Research 4(2) (2014) 108-126. 120. R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi, H. Fazlollahtabar and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A web-based multi-optimisation approach for convergent product networks using the Steiner tree, International Journal of Advanced Operations Management - IJAOM 17(2) (2014) 142-167. 119. B. Kheirfam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Full Nesterov-Todd step infeasible interiorpoint algorithm for symmetric cone linear complementarity problem, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 40(3) (2014) 541-564. 118. M. Nejati, I. Mahdavi, R. Hassanzadeh, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. S. Mojarad, Multi-job lot streaming to minimize the weighted completion time in a hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with work shift constraint, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 70(1-4) (2014) 501-514. 117. I. Mahdavi, H. Fazlollahtabar, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, M. Arab Maghsoudi and M. H. Yahyanezhad, A virtual intelligent creativity matrix for employees clustered interactivity network with knowledge development program, International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organization (IJKBO) 4(1) (2014) 65-79. 116. R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdav and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A web-based multi-optimization approach for convergent product networks using the Steiner tree, International Journal of Services and Operations Management 17(2) (2014) 142-167. 115. K. Nazari, A. Karami, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and F. Pourali, Microarray data analysis for detection and classification of viral infection, Journal of Applied Biotechnology Reports 1(1) (2014) 23-27. 114. M. Fatemi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A projected gradient filter trust-region algorithm for bound constrained optimization, Pacific Journal of Optimization 10(1) (2014) 229-242. 113. E. Golpar-Raboky and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, WZ factorization via Abaffy-Broyden- Spedicato algorithms, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 40(2) (2014) 401-413. 112. B. Kheirfam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A new interior-point algorithm based on modified Nesterov-Todd direction for symmetric cone linear complementarity problem, Optimization Letters 8(3) (2014) 1017-1029. 111. S. Hesabi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A modified patch propagation-based image inpainting using patch sparsity, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology 37 (2013) 121-132. 110 . R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A web-based methodology for convergent product fuzzy networks using the Steiner tree, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 30(7) (2013) 415-432. 109 . B. Kheirfam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, New complexity analysis of a full Nesterov- Todd step infeasible interior-point algorithm for symmetric optimization, KYBER- NETIKA 49(6) (2013) 883-896. 108. M. Forghani-elahabad and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Finding all the upper boundary points of a stochastic-flow network with budget constraints, The CSI Journal on Computer Science and Engineering (JCSE) 8(2) (2013) 42-50. 107. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and E. Golpar-Raboky, Extended rank reduction formulas containing Wedderburn and AbaffyBroydenSpedicato rank reducing processes, Linear Algebra and its applications 439(11) (2013) 3318-3331. 106. E. Golpar-Raboky and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Extended integer rank reduction for- mulas and Smith normal form, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 61(12) (2013) 1641-1659 . 105. H. Fazlollahtabar and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Design of a neuro-fuzzy-regression ex- pert system to estimate cost in a flexible jobshop automated manufacturing system, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 67 (2013) 1809- 1823. 104. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. R. Ansari, Superlinearly convergent exact penalty projected structured Hessian updating schemes for constrained nonlinear least squares: global analysis, Optimization 62(6) (2013) 675-691. 103. N. Bidabadi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A two-step superlinearly convergent projected structured BFGS method for constrained nonlinear least squares, Optimiza- tion 62(6) (2013) 797-815. 102. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and N. Bidabadi , Superlinear projected structured exact penalty secant methods for constrained nonlinear least squares, International Journal of Operational Research Nepal (IJORN) 2 (2013) 1-17. 101. S. Babaie-Kafaki and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Two modified hybrid conjugate gradient methods based on a hybrid secant equation, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 18(1) (2013) 33-52. 100. V. Zarei, I. Mahdavi, R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A multi- level capacity approach to the hub and spoke network, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research 24(1) (2013) 1-15. 99. A. Aalaei, H. Fazlollahtabarb, I. Mahdavi , N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. H. Yahyanejad, A genetic algorithm for a creativity matrix cubic space clustering: A case study in Mazandaran Gas Company, Applied Soft Computing 13(4) (2013) 1661-1673. 98. H. Fazlollahtabar and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Producer’s behavior analysis in an uncertain bi-criteria AGV-based flexible jobshop manufacturing system with expert system, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 65 (2013) 1605- 1618. 97. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and N. Bidabadi, Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares: A Superlinearly Convergent Projected Structured Secant Method, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Systems (IJECS) 1(1) (2013) 1-8. 96. M. Khorramizadeh and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An efficient algorithm for sparse null space basis problem using ABS methods, Numerical Algorithms 62(3) (2013) 469- 485. 95. H. Fazlollahtabar and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An optimal path in a bi-criteria AGV- based flexible jobshop manufacturing system having uncertain parameters, Int. J. Industrial and Systems Engineering 13(1) (2013) 27-55. 94. R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and A. Tajdin, A genetic algorithm for solving fuzzy shortest path problems with mixed fuzzy arc lengths, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57(1-2) (2013) 84-99. 93. M. Fatemi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A non-monotone trust region algorithm for unconstrained optimization with dynamic reference iteration updates using filter, Optimization 61(6) (2012) 733-763. 92. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. R. Ansari, Superlinearly Convergent Exact Penalty Projected Structured Hessian Updating Schemes For Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares: Asymptotic Analysis, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 38(3) (2012) 767-786. 91. S.A. Hadighi, I. Mahdavi, S. Sahebjamnia and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A new approach in strategy formulation using clustering algorithm: an instance in a service company, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research 23(2) (2012) 125-142. 90. H. Farkhondeh, R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A DEA approach for comparing solution efficiency in U-line balancing problem using goal programming, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 61(9-12) (2012) 1161-1172. 89. R. Ezzati, S. Khezerloo, N. Mahdavi-Amiri And Z. Valizadeh, New Models and Algorithms for Solutions of Single-Signed Fully Fuzzy LR Linear Systems, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 9(3) (2012) 1-26. 88. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and R. Yousefpour, An Effective Nonsmooth Optimization Algorithm for Locally Lipschitz Functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 155 (2012) 180-195. 87. A. Mohajeri, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and R. Tafazzoli, Optimization of tree-structured gas distribution network using ant colony optimization: a case study, IJE Transactions A: Basics 25(2) (2012) 141-158. 86. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. R. Ansari, A Superlinearly Convergent Penalty Method with Nonsmooth Line Search for Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares, Special Issue of SQU Journal for Science 17(1) (2012) 103-124. 85. S. Babaie-Kafaki, R. Ghanbari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An Efficient and Practically Robust Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Fuzzy Bus Terminal Location Problems, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 29(2) (2012) 1-25. 84. M. Fatemi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A Filter Trust-Region Algorithm for Unconstrained Optimization with Strong Global Convergence Properties, Computational Optimization and Applications 52(1) (2012) 239-266. 83. M. Soolaki, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, R. Hasanzadeh and A. Aghajani, A new linear programming approach and genetic algorithm for solving airline boarding problem, Applied Mathematical Modelling 36(9) (2012) 4060-4072. 82. S. Noori Darvish, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A Bi-Objective Possibilistic Programming Model for Open Shop Scheduling Problems with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times, Fuzzy Processing Times, and Fuzzy Due Dates, Applied Soft Computing Journal 12(4) (2012) 1399-1416. 81. F. Taghipourian, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and A. Makui, A fuzzy programming approach for dynamic virtual hub location problem, Applied Mathematical Modelling 36(7) (2012) 3257-3270. 80. H. Fazlollahtabar, R. Hassanzadeh, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A Genetic Optimization Algorithm and Perceptron Learning Rules for a Bi-criteria Parallel Machine Scheduling , Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 29(3) (2012) 206-218. 79. H. Fazlollahtabar, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and A. Mohajeri, A Mathematical Model for Vehicle Routing in a Flexible Supply Network, Asian Journal of Industrial Engineering 4(1) (2012) 17-29. 78. A. Mohajeri, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Optimal pipe diameter sizing in a tree-structured gas network: a case study, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 12(3) (2012) 346-368. 77. E. Golpar-Raboky and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Diophantine Quadratic Equation and Smith Normal Form Using Scaled Extended Integer Abaffy-Broyden-Spedicato Algorithms, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 152(1) (2012) 75-96. 76. S. Shiripour, I. Mahdavi and M. Amiri-Aref, M. Mohammadnia-Otaghsara and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Multi-Facility Location Problems in Presence of a Probabilistic Line Barrier: A Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming Model, International Journal of Production Research 50(15) (2012) 3988-4008. 75. N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Iranian Operations Research Society (IORS), Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011. (DOI: 10.1002/9780470400531.eorms1026.) 74. H. Fazlollahtabar, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Assessing the Effectiveness of E-learning via User Profile Analysis: An AHP-based Dynamic Programming Ap- proach, MIS Review 17(1) (2011) 39-61. 73. I. Mahdavi, H. Fazlollahtabar, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, M. Arabmaghsudi and M. H. Yahyanejad, A Comprehensive Value Engineering Approach for Gas Pipeline Projects Using Mathematical Models and FAST: A Case Study of Mazandaran Gas Company, International Journal of Business and Information 1(2) (2011) 182-204. 72. H. Fazlollahtabar, H. Hajmohammadi, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and A. Mo- hajeri, Fuzzy Electronic Supply Chain System: Customer Satisfaction and Logistic Aspects, Chapter 8 in Electronic Supply Network Coordination in Intelligent and Dynamic Environments: Modeling and Implementation, I. Mahdavi, S. Mohebbi and N. Cho (Editors), Business Science Reference, New York, 2011, pp. 183- 198. 71. N. Cho, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and S. Mohebbi, E-Supply Network: Net- work Agents to Support Information Sharing for Buyer-Buyer-Supplier Coordination, Chapter 12 in Electronic Supply Network Coordination in Intelligent and Dy- namic Environments: Modeling and Implementation, I. Mahdavi, S. Mohebbi and N. Cho (Editors), Business Science Reference, New York, 2011, pp. 265-284. 70. I. Mahdavi, N. Cho, H. Fazlollahtabar, S. H. Shafieian, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and S. Mohebbi, Agent-based Dynamic Route Selection for Multilayer Electronic Supply Network, Chapter 15 in Electronic Supply Network Coordination in Intelligent and Dynamic Environments: Modeling and Implementation, I. Mahdavi, S. Mohebbi and N. Cho (Editors), Business Science Reference, New York, 2011, pp. 341- 359. 69. R. Aliakbari Shandiz and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An exact penalty approach for mixed integer nonlinear programming problems, American Journal of Operations Research (AJOR) 1 (2011) 185-189. 68. B. Shirazi, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, iCoSim-FMS: an intelligent co-simulator for the adaptive control of complex flexible manufacturing systems, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19(7) (2011) 1668-1688. 67. M. Khorramizadeh and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, An efficient algorithm for solving rank one perturbed linear Diophantine systems using Rosser’s approach, 4OR- A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 9 (2011) 159-173. 66. D. Ralescu, X. Li and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Preface, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 8(4) (2011) i-ii. 65. I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and S. Nejati, Algorithms for biobjective shortest path problems in fuzzy networks, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 8(4) (2011) 9-37. 64. S. Babaie-Kafaki, R. Ghanbari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Two effective hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for minimization of multimodal functions, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 88(11) (2011) 2415-2428. 63. S. Babaie-Kafaki, M. Fatemi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Two effective hybrid conju- gate gradient algorithms based on modified BFGS updates, Numerical Algorithms 58(3) (2011) 315-331. 62. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and R. Yousefpour, An Effective Optimization Algorithm for Locally Nonconvex Lipschitz Functions Based on Mollifier Subgradients, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 37(1) (2011) 171-198. 61. R. Ghanbari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Solving Bust Terminal Location Problems Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Applied Soft Computing Journal 11 (2011) 991- 999. 60. R. Hassanzadeh, E. Khorram, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A Genetic Algorithm for Optimization Problem with Fuzzy Relation Constraints Using Max-Product Composition, Applied Soft Computing Journal 11 (2011) 551-560. 59. H. Fazlollahtabar, I. Mahdavi, M. Talebi Ashoori, S. Kaviani and N. Mahdavi- Amiri, A Multi-objective Decision-Making Process of Supplier Selection and Order Allocation for Mlti-period Scheduling in an Electronic Market, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 52 (2011) 1039-1052. 58. N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Iranian Operations Research Society (IORS), IFORS NEWS 4(1) (2010) 15. 57. I. Mahdavi, H. Fazlollahtabar, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, M. Arab Maghsoudi and H. Mohammadi, Design of a fuzzy Job Satisfaction Matrix with Dynamic Performance Criteria: A Case Study at Mazandaran Gas Company, International Journal of Data Analysis and Information Systems (IJDAIS) 2(2) (2010) 67-76. 56. A. Tajdin, I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavii-Amiri and B. Sadeghpourgildeh, Computing a fuzzy shortest path in a network with mixed fuzzy arc lengths using alpha-cuts, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 60(4) (2010) 989-1002. 55. A. Tajdin, I. Mahdavi and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, B. Sadeghpour-Gildeh and R. Has- sanzadeh, A Novel Approach for Finding a Shortest Path in a Mixed Fuzzy Network, Wireless Sensor Network 2 (2010) 148-160. 54. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and R. Yousefpoor, Constructing a Sequence of Discrete Hessian Matrices of an SC1 Function Uniformly Convergent to the Generalized Hessian Matrix, Mathematical Programming, Series A 121 (2010) 387-414. 53. I. Mahdavi, H. Fazlollahtabar, S. Hosna Shafieian and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Route Selection in a Dynamic Multi-Agent Multilayer Electronic Supply Network, Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management 17(1) (2010) 141- 155. 52. Z. Raftani-Amiri, H. Fazlollahtabar and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A Multi-period Supply Network of Food Products Based on Time-Windows with Sensitivity Analysis, Operations and Supply Chain Management 3(2) (2010) 105-116. 51. S. Babaie-Kafaki, R. Ghanbari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Two New Conjugate Gradient Methods Based on Modified Secant Equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 234 (2010)1374-1386. 50. R. Ghanbari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, New Solutions of LR Fuzzy Linear Systems Using Ranking Functions and ABS Algorithms, Applied Mathematical Modeling 34 (2010) 3363-3375. 49. I. Mahdavi, H. Fazlollahtabar, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and M. Kakouei, Designing Integrated Models as a Decision Aid in Web-based Marketing, Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management 17(1) (2010) 1-10. 48. E. Spedicato, E. Bodon, Z. Xia and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, ABS methods for continuous and integer linear equations and optimization, Central European Journal of Operations Research 18(1) (2010) 73-95. 47. R. Ghanbari, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and R. Yousefpour, Exact and approximate solutions of fuzzy LR linear systems: New algorithms using a least squares model and the ABS approach, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 7(2) (2010) 1-18. 46. N. Mahdavi-Amiri, S.H. Nasseri and A. Yazdani, Fuzzy Primal Simplex Algorithms for Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems, Iranian Journal of Operations Research 1(2) (2009) 68-84. 45. S.H. Nasseri and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Some Duality Results on Linear Programming Problems with Symmetric Fuzzy Numbers, Fuzzy Information and Engineering, An International Journal 1(1) (2009) 59-66. 44. I. Mahdavi, H. Abbaspour-Ghomi, N. Sahebjamnia, Y. Eissazadeh-Roshan, H. Fazlollahtabar, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and A. Hamzehpour, Strategic Development and SWOT Analysis for IT/ICT Programs in Universities of Mazandaran in Iran Using Digital Indices, The Journal of Digital Policy and Management 7(1) (2009) 31- 47. 43. N. Javadian, Y. Maali and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Fuzzy Linear Programming with Grades of Satisfaction for fuzzy Constraints, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 6(3)(2009) 17-35. 42. I. Mahdavi, Sh. Mohebbi, M. Zandakbari, N. Cho and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Agentbased web service for the design of a dynamic coordination mechanism in supply networks, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 20(6) (2009) 727-749. 41. I. Mahdavi, A. Heidarzadeh, B. Sadeghpour and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A General Fuzzy TOPSIS Model in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 45(3-4) (2009) 406-420. 40. I. Mahdavi, B. Javadi, N. Sahebjamnia and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A two-phase linear programming methodology for fuzzy multi-objective mixed-model assembly line problem, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 44(9-10) (2009) 1010-1023. 39. M. Khorramizadeh and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Integer extended ABS algorithms and possible control of intermediate results for linear Diophantine systems, 4OR- A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research 7(2) (2009) 145-167. 38. I. Mahdavi, H. Fazlollahtabar, A. Heidarzade, N. Mahdavi-Amiri and Y.I. Rooshan, A Heuristic Methodology for Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Web-Based Eearning Systems Based on User Satisfaction, Journal of Applied Sciences 8(24) (2008) 4603- 4609. 37. I. Mahdavi, R. Nourifar, A. Heidarzade and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A dynamic programming approach for finding shortest chains in a fuzzy network, Applied Soft Computing 9 (2008) 503-511. 36. I. Mahdavi, H. Fazlollahtabar, E. Mozaffari, M. Heidari and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, Data envelopment analysis based comparison of two hybrid multi-criteria decision making approaches for mobile phone selection: a case study in Iranian telecommunication environment, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences (IJIDS) 1(2) (2008) 194-220. 35. M. Khorramizadeh and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, On solving linear Diophantine systems using generalized Rosser’s algorithm, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 34(2) (2008) 1-25. 34. B. Javadi, M. Saidi-Mehrabad, A. Haji, I. Mahdavi, F. Jolai and N. Mahdavi- Amiri, No-wait flow shop scheduling using fuzzy multi-objective linear programming, Journal of The Franklin Institute 345(5) (2008) 452-467. 33. I. Mahdavi, N. Mahdavi-Amiri, A. Heidarzade and R. Nourifar, Designing a Model of Fuzzy TOPSIS in Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Applied Mathematics and Computation 206(2) (2008) 607-617. 32. I. Mahdavi, S. Mohebbi, N. Cho, M.M. Paydar and N. 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Tasdighi, Universal and Global Information, (in Persian), Sharif Journal 9(5)(1993)76-78. 2. N. Mahdavi-Amiri and R.H. Bartels, Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares: An Exact Penalty Approach with Projected Structured Quasi-Newton Updates, ACM Transactions On Mathematical Software (TOMS) 15(3) (1989) 220-242. R.H. Bartels and N. Mahdavi-Amiri, On Generating Test Problems for Nonlinear Programming Algorithms, SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 7(3) (1986) 769-798. |
Numerical Nonlinear Optimization Software Package Available:
1) | Software for Solving Generally Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Problems: Exact Penalty Method with Projected Structured Quasi-Newton Updates, (with R.H. Bartels). |
2) | Software for Solving Generally Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Problems: The Successive Quadratic Programming with Watchdog Technique. |
3) | Software to Generate Generally Constrained Nonlinear Least Squares Test Problems with one Single Prescribed Point as an Optimizer. |
4) | Software to Generate Generally Constrained Nonlinear Programming Test Problems with One Single Prescribed Point as an Optimizer. |
5) | Software for Solving Generally Constrained Nonlinear Programming Problems: Exact Penalty Method with Projected Quasi-Newton Updates, (with R.H. Bartels) |