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Phone: ++98-21-66165626
Fax: ++98-21-66005117
Email: razvan[at]sharif.ir
“Global Dynamics of a Differential Susceptibility Model” ” with S.Yasaman, International
Journal of Biomathematics 5 (2012).
“Global Analysis of a Model of Differential Susceptibility Induced by Genetics” with S.Yasaman,
Nonlinear analysis: Real World Applications 12 (2011), 2183–2197.
“Global Analysis of an SAIS Model” with S.Yasaman, Journal of Biological Dynamics
(2011), 1-8.
"Global Stability of a Deterministic Model for HIV Infection in Vivo" with M.Dehghan and
M. Nasri, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 (2007) 1225–1238
“Multiple Equilibria for an SIS Epidemiological System”, with A. Katanforoush, to appear.
“On the Poincare index of Isolated Invariant Sets”, with M. Fotouhi, to appear,
preprint math.DS/0102142.
“Multiple Equilibria for an SIRS Epidemiological System”, preprint math.CA/0101051.
“The Dynamics of a Vertically Transmitted Disease”, J. Prime Research, 3 (2007),
“Palais-Smale Conditions, Index Pairs and Critical Point Theory”, preprint
“Lusternik-Schnirelmann Theory for a Morse Decomposition”, SEABM, 29 (2005),
“Some Relations among Lusternik-Schnirelmann Categories”, SEABM, 28 (2004),
“On Conley's Fundamental Theorem of Dynamical Systems”, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci.
(2004), 1397-1401.
“Analysis of a Disease Transmission model in a Population with two Groups of
Infectives”, Meth. Appl. Anal. 9 (2002) 119-126.
“Relative Ljusternik-Schnirelmann Category of Index Pairs and Applications to Critical
Point Theory, Proceedings of the 31st Iranian Mathematical Conference, (Tehran, 2000),
“The Dynamics of HIV/AIDS Transmission in an Open Environment”, with M. Hesaaraki,
Proceedings of the 31st Iranian Mathematical Conference, (Tehran, 2000), 84-107.
“Lusternik-Schnirelmann Theory and Conley Index, a noncompact version”, Asian J.
Math. 4 (2000), 383-390.