Mohammad Reza Razvan

Phone: ++98-21-66165626
Fax: ++98-21-66005117
Email: razvan[at]


 Mathematical Neuroscience, August 12-17, IPM, Tehran, Iran, 2008 (Organizer)
 8th Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Isfahan
University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, (Scientific Committee)
 7th Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Tabriz
University, Tabriz, Iran, (Scientific Committee)
 6th Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, IASBS, Zanjan,
Iran, (Scientific Committee)
 3rd Conference on Topology and Geometry, Azarbaijan University, Tabriz, Iran,
July 2004 (Scientific Committee)
 Mathematical Control Theory, Classical versus Quantum Control, IASBS,
Zanjan, Aug 2003. (Organizer)