Email: rastegar1352[at]gmail[dot]com
Tel: +98 (21) 6616 5613
Email: rastegar1352[at]gmail[dot]com
Tel: +98 (21) 6616 5613
Papers and preprints in mathematics
1)Rastegar A.: "On congruences between Drinfeld modular forms" thesis(PhD)- Princeton University1998, 38pp.
2)Rastegar A.: "Arakelov Intersection pairing on Drinfeld moduli curves" preprint 1999.
3)Rastegar A.: "On correspondences on Siegel spaces" proceedings of the 31st Iranian mathematics conference, 2000.
4)Rastegar A.: "On geometric representations of Galois group" in Shahshahani's festshrift, SUT 2002.
5)Rastegar A.: "On a theorem of Ihara" Scientia Iranica 12(2005) no. 1,1-9.
6)Bajravani A., Rastegar A.: "On smooth deformation of functors" IJMSI, Vol.5, No.1 (2010), pp. 27-39
7)Rastegar A.: "On deformation theory of outer representations of the Galois group" IJMSI 6(2011),no. 1,33-52,101.
8)Rastegar A.: "On deformation theory of outer representations of the Galois group II" IJMSI 6(2011),no. 2,33-41,85.
9)Rastegar A.: "Self-similarity in geometry, algebra and arithmetic" preprint 2017.
10)Rastegar A.: "On hyperbolic profinite groups" preprint 2017.
11)Rastegar A.: "EPH-classifications in geometry, algebra, analysis and arithmetic" preprint 2017.
12)Rastegar A.: "A geometric formulation of Siegel’s diophantine theorem" preprint 2017.
13)Rastegar A.: "Approximation on abelian varieties by its subgroups" preprint 2017.
14)Rastegar A.: "On Atkin-Lehner correspondences on Siegel spaces" BIMS Vol. 43 (2017), No. 7, pp. 337-359
15)Rastegar A.: "Self-similar fractals and arithmetic dynamics" accepted by BIMS 2018.
16)Rastegar A.: "Arithmetic Teichmuller Theory" accepted by IJMSI 2017.
17)Rastegar A.: "On Ihara-type results for Siegel modular form of arbitrary genus" accepted BIMS 2018
Papers and preprints in mathematics education
18)Rastegar A.: "Report on Circular and Spherical Structuring" preprint 1999.
19)Rastegar A.: "On psychology of communication in mathematics" preprint 2000.
20)Rastegar A.: "Engineering the Correlation of scientific research and educational systems" preprint 2000.
21)Rastegar A.: "Skills of mathematical thinking in undergraduate level" preprint 2005.
22)Rastegar A.: "On the Psychology of Teaching Mathematics" preprint 2006.
23)Rastegar A.: "On Assessment of Problem Solving" preprint 2007.
24)Rastegar A.: "Mathematicians Rising from Olympiads and Olympiad Mathematics" preprint in Persian 2008.
25)Rastegar A.: "Who is a good problem solver" ICME 2008.
26)Rastegar A.: "What is Mathematics and How It Should Be Taught?" preprint in Persian 2014.
Papers and preprints in philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of education
27)Rastegar A.: "Aesthetic Aspects of Mathematics" preprint in Persian 2005.
28)Rastegar A.: "Extension of Category Theory to Atlas of Concepts" preprint in Persian 2006.
29)Rastegar A.: "What is Intuition and what is Argument?" preprint in Persian 2013.
30)Rastegar A.: "What is the Meaning of Deep for Mathematicians" preprint 2013.
31)Rastegar A.: "Modelling of Interactions Between Physics and Mathematics" preprint 2013.
32)Rastegar A.: "Psychology of Making Assumptions and theorization" preprint 2013.
33)Rastegar A.: "What is Mathematical Argument?" preprint 2013.
34)Rastegar A.: "What is Mathematical Conjecture?" preprint 2013.
35)Rastegar A.: "The Problem of Continuum Revisited" preprint 2016.
36)Rastegar A.: "On the hierarchy of real numbers" preprint 2016.
37)Rastegar A.: "On the Continuity of Time OR On The Worm-Whole Model of Time" preprint 2016.
38)Rastegar A.: "On How Cognitive Structures Influence Each Other" preprint 2016.
39)Rastegar A.: "On Different Points of Views Towards a Practical Philosophy of Mathematics" preprint 2016.
40)Rastegar A.: "On the Tree Models and Hyperbolic Models for Time" preprint 2016.
41)Rastegar A.: "Hyperbolic Quotient Models of Time" preprint 2016.
42)Rastegar A.: "On the Concept of a Cognitive Mathematician" preprint 2017.
43)Rastegar A.: "The Truth-Finder Mathematician" preprint 2017.
44)Rastegar A.: "On the Experience of Discovery in Mathematics" preprint 2017.
45)Rastegar A.: "What Kind of Mathematics is Valuable?" preprint 2017.
46) Rastegar A.: "A Hierarchy of Universities" preprint 2017.
47)Rastegar A.: "On the Concept of Pure and Applied Mathematics" preprint 2018.
48)Rastegar A.: "On Verbal, Pictorial and Constructive Mathematics" preprint 2018.
49)Rastegar A.: "On Wholistic and Analytic Mathematics" preprint 2018.
50)Rastegar A.: "On Theory Oriented, Problem Oriented and Cognition Oriented Mathematics" preprint 2018.
51)Rastegar A.: "Field Dependent and Field Independent Mathematics" preprint 2018.
52)Rastegar A.: "On Wholistic and Pictorial Philosophy" preprint 2018.
53)Rastegar A.: "On the dialogue between finite and infinite" preprint 2018.
54)Rastegar A.: "On the dialogue between discrete and continuous" preprint 2018.
55)Rastegar A.: "On the dialogue bettween algebra and geometry" preprint 2018.
56)Rastegar A.: "On the dialogue bettween local and global" preprint 2018.
57)Rastegar A.: "A truth-directed approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2018.
58)Rastegar A.: "A cognitive approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2018.
59)Rastegar A.: "A conceptual approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2018.
60)Rastegar A.: "A problem solving approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2018.
61)Rastegar A.: "A theorization approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2018.
62)Rastegar A.: "An analytic approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2019.
63)Rastegar A.: "A holistic approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2019.
64)Rastegar A.: "A verbal approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2019.
65)Rastegar A.: "A pictorial approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2019.
66)Rastegar A.: "A construction-directed approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2019.
67)Rastegar A.: "A field-dependent approach to history of mathematics" preprint 2019.
Books in mathematics education
1) Rastegar A.: "Workshop on Geometry" in Farsi, Second edition, Fatemi Publishing 2000.
2) Hajibabai J., Rastegar A., Tabesh Y.: "The art of problem solving" Nationwide high-school text-book in Farsi 1999. Circulation: 4 million.
3) Bakhshalizade S., Pasha E., Rastegar A.: "Statistics and mathematical modeling" Nationwide high-school text-book in Farsi 1999. Circulation: 12.8 million.
4) Bakhshalizade S., Pasha E., Rastegar A.: "Statistics and mathematical modelling (Teacher's Guide)" Nationwide high-school text-book in Farsi 1999. Circulation: 4 million.
5) Rastegar A.: "Workshop on Numbers" published in Farsi, Second edition, Fatemi Publishing 2001.
6) Rastegar A.: "Geometrical drawings, An introduction to teaching geometrical thinking" Teacher's Preparation, Madreseh Publishing.
7) Rastegar A.: "Algebraic Equations, An introduction to teaching algebraic thinking" Teacher's Preparation, Madreseh Publishing.
8) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A.: "Mathematics I" nationwide textbook for elementary school 2011. Circulation: 8.4 million.
9) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A.: "Mathematics I" teacher's guide 2011.
10) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A., Ziarati H.: "Mathematics I" workbook 2011.
11) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A.: "Mathematics II" nationwide textbook for elementary school 2012. Circulation: 7.2 million.
12) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A., Ziarati H.: "Mathematics II" workbook 2012.
13) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A.: "Mathematics III" nationwide textbook for elementary school2013. Circulation: 6 million.
14) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A.: "Mathematics III" teacher's guide 2013.
14) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A., E. Reyhani, S. Saffari-Azar: "Mathematics IV" nationwide textbook for elementary school 2014.Circulation: 4.8 million.
15) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A.: "Mathematics IV" teacher's guide 2014.
16) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A.: "Mathematics VI" nationwide textbook for elementary school 2011. Circulation: 6 million.
17) Alamian V., Davoodi K., Rastegar A., Ziarati H.: "Mathematics VI" workbook 2011.
18) Alamian V., Bijanzadeh M.H., Davoodi K., Eslahpazir B.,Iranmanesh A., Naeeni S.M.K., Rastegar A., Reyhani E., Shahvarani A., : "Mathematics I" nationwide textbook for first level highschool (middle school) 2012. Circulation: 5 million.
19)Hajibabai J.,Rastegar A.,Rastegar M.,Raeesi B.: "Mathematics I" High-school text-book in Farsi
20) Hajibabai J., Rastegar A., Rastegar M., Raeesi B.: "Mathematics I (Teacher's Guide)" High-school
text-book in Farsi
21) Bakshalizade S., Davoodi K., Hajibabai J., Rastegar A.: "National Curriculum for math K-8
22)Hajibabai J., Iranmanesh A., Rabiee H., Rastegar A., Mir-Mohammad-Rezaei A., Rostami
Books in philosophy of mathematics and philosophy of science
23) Rastegar A.: "Mathematical thought leaning on history of civilization" in Persian 2005.
24) Rastegar A.: "An Islamic approach to philosophy of science" in Persian 2005.
25) Rastegar A.: "Philosophy of time" in Persian 2005.
26) Rastegar A.: "An anthropological approach to philosophy of science and education" in Persian 2006.
27) Rastegar A.: "Interpretation of truth in mathematics and physics" in Persian 2007.
28) Rastegar A.: "Scientific education of talented and gifted" in Persian 2007.