Email: rastegar1352[at]gmail[dot]com
Tel: +98 (21) 6616 5613
Email: rastegar1352[at]gmail[dot]com
Tel: +98 (21) 6616 5613
(2019- ): Assistant Professor in Dept. of Mathematical Sciences in Sharif University of Technology.
Previous Positions:
(1997-1998): Lecturer, Princeton University.
(1998-2015): Assistant Professor in Dept. of Mathematical Sciences in Sharif University of Technology.
(1998-2000): Research Fellow, Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM).
(2000-2002): Chairman of the Board of Mathematics Education, Ministry of Education, Iran.
(2003-2004): Visiting Mathematician, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India and
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, France.
(2003-2006, 2009-2014): Leader of Iranian National Mathematics Olympiad team.
(2007-2008): Leader of Sharif University Undergraduate Mathematics Olympiad team.
(2014-2016): Visiting faculty of Princeton University
(2016-2018): Member in school of mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study.
(2018-2019): Visiting Reasearch Scholar in Princeton University
Awards and scholarships:
(June 1989): Bronze medal of the national physics Olympiad.
(June 1990): Silver medal of the international mathematical Olympiad held in China.
(June 1992): Third rank in the mathematics competition held by the Iranian academy of sciences.
(June 1993): Forth rank in the Iranian annual mathematical competition.
(1990-1993): Undergraduate scholarship from IPM.
(1993-1998): Graduate scholarship from Princeton University, New Jersey, United States.
(1998-2000): Research scholarship from IPM.
(1998- ): Research scholarship from Sharif University of Technology.
(2011-2012): Grant from Iranian National Foundation for Gifted and Talented Scholars.
(2014-2015): Grant from Iranian National Foundation for Gifted and Talented Scholars.
(2014-2015): Sabbatical leave from Sharif University of Technology
(2015-2019): Grant from IPM
(2016-2017): Oswald-Veblen grant from institute for advanced study.
(2017-2018): NSF grant.
Institutes visited:
International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste/Italy:
Summer 1992 for a period of one month.
Summer 1993 for a period of one month.
Summer 2005 for a period of three months.
January 2006 for a period of one month.
Nankai Institute in Tianjin/China:
Summer 1993 for a period of one week.
Max-Plank Institute in Bonn/Germany:
Summer 1994 for a period of one month.
Newton Institute in Cambridge/United Kingdom:
Summer 1996 for a period of one month.
Institute for advanced studies in Princeton/United States:
Member for two academic years 2016-2018.
Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics in Tehran/Iran:
Associate researcher 1998-2000.
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Bombay/India:
Fall 2003 for a period of three months.
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques in Bures-sur-Yvette/France:
Winter and Spring 2004 for a period of five months.
Fall 2005 for a period of one month.
Harish-Chandra Research Institute in Allahabad/India:
January 2006 for a period of one week.
Invited lecturer in international conferences
1) Invited by Nankai institute in Tianjin to present a lecture on “Calculus on Arithmetic Surfaces” during a workshop on Arithmetic Geometry in 1993, when I was an undergraduate student.
2) Invited by department of mathematics of Wisconsin University to present a lecture on my research in geometric group theory in 1994, when I was an undergraduate student..
3) Invited to present at 11th International Congress on Mathematics Education (2008) TG6: Activities and Programs for Gifted Students: “Who is a good problem Solver”.
4) Invited by National Academy of Sciences of U.S. and World Learning: Mathematics Education Program January 27-January 29, 2014 University of California, Irvine, Beckman Center to speak on “Mathematics Education and Cognitive Types”.
Conference organizations
Organizing a multidisciplinary conference on heart “Voices of Heart” on Heart from different aspects of mathematical and natural and human sciences in “Shiraz University” and gave a lecture in that conference myself.
Professional memberships
(1999-2003): Member of the board of mathematics education in Ministry of Education in Iran.
(2002- ): Member of Iranian national mathematics Olympiad committee.
(2011-2014): Member of Iranian national committee of "Shahab" (Recognition and leadership of gifted and talented students) in Ministry of Education.
(2011-2014): Member of Iranian national committee of "Scientific Friend" National Foundation for Elite.
Leading National Mathematics Olympiad Teams
1) Japan 2003, 44th IMO rank of Iran 17th.
2) Greece 2004. 45th IMO rank of Iran 9th.
3) Mexico 2005, 46th IMO rank of Iran 4th.
4) Slovenia 2006, 47th IMO rank of Iran 8th.
5) Germany 2009, 50th IMO rank of Iran 15th.
6) Kazakhstan 2010, 51st IMO rank of Iran 16th.
7) Netherlands 2011, 52nd IMO rank of Iran 10th.
8) Argentina 2012, 53rd IMO rank of Iran 8th.
9) Columbia 2013, 54th IMO rank of Iran 10th.
10) South Africa 2014, 55th IMO rank of Iran 21th.
Leading University Mathematics Olympiad Teams
11) Bulgaria 2007, 14th IMC rank of Iran/Sharif University 3rd.
12) Bulgaria 2008, 15th IMC rank of Iran/Sharif University 3rd.